My all-time favorite character, the Force Blader…
FB is a an all-round balanced character with decent stats, good in both PvE (Player versus Environment/Monsters) and PvP (Player vs Player). No doubt that FBs have the best looking gears/equipments and skill animations + some Devil May Cry kind of style in them which is too cool to resist.
Also, due to FBs skill distribution which goes to all STR, INT and DEX, enable them to wear all type of equipments (Amourset, Battleset, Martialset) according to your needs (eg. armourset for more def, martial for more def rate, battleset for better looking and balance def+def rate)
However being a hybrid class, FB’s stats distribution made them a weak melee class character compare to Warriors and Bladers because of their low base attack and base defense. But with a good combination of gears/equipments, FBs can really pawn hard.
Stats distribution:
Force Blader | |||
Per Level | 2.5HP | 1.5MP | |
Per Stat | STR | INT | DEX |
Attack | 0.23 | 0.1 | 0.23 |
Magic Attack | 0.1 | 0.3 | 0.25 |
Defense | 0.125 | 0.1 | 0.125 |
Hit Rate | 0.4 | 0.4 | 1.75 |
Defense Rate | 0.1 | 0.1 | 1 |
As you can see DEX and STR both give the same att and def, but DEX gives more hit rate and def rate, hence most of FB stat points shall be invested on DEX. But, in order to be able to wear osmium armourset (more def) and blades/crystals(more attack), FBs should follow Force Shielders stats which is quite similar to FBs’ (For STR and INT). However this does not apply to all FBs, it depends on players’ style. As for all the extra stat points or the rest of the points after you put in str and int for your set, shall all go into DEX.
As stated, FBs can wear anything from martial to battle to armours except those class specifics like mythril, terragrace or shadowtitaniums. That all depends on players’ style, on how they want their FB to be. But to simplify things, FBs’ gears should be focusing on 1. Critical rate 2. Critical damage 3. Sword amp. Since FBs have relatively low base attack, FBs don’t do much damage from amp gears. Plus, with Lightning Blade Buff skill, FBs can really crit well.
The only parts you can fit crit rate/dmg on are helm, weapons and rings. So consider using deathblow helms (+crit rate) and slot crit damage, blades/katanas/crystal/orbs slotted with +crit rate/dmg, 1 ring of luck+2 (+crit rate) and 1 ring of fighter +7/8/9/10.
The rest components like suit, gloves, boots should go sword amp if possible. Remember that parts that you can fit +HP on are only suits and boots, so the best is go for double slotted gears (eg. 1 slot +HP, 1 slot +amp), crafted or slot extended gears are much better of course due to bonus slot effects (provided if you have slot extenders).
As for amulet, consider Amulet of Battler (+HP +MP) or Amulet of Guard (+def +def rate) or Amulet of Pain (+ max crit rate), depends. For bracelets, Bracelet of Figther (+att +sword amp +min dmg, etc) is your best bet and for earrings, use Earring of Guard or Vital Earring.
That only applies to general FB equips. FB gears need to vary according to levels and situations (eg. against different classes or dungeons), so you should know for yourself what to put on accordingly. For better PvP performance, try focus on Crit Rate/Dmg, Amp and HP.
For PvE, you can consider switching into HP steal gears to survive longer with minimum potion usage. For example, use 1 life absorb ring (1 is already enough) and the rest parts go for +max HP steal (eg. vampiric amulet, vampiric earrings, etc) to increase your lifesteal limit. Crit rate/dmg, amp + plenty of def/def rate gears also do fine in PvE, lifesteal is just an alternative (once again, it depends on players’ style)
Although FBs don’t do much damage, their skills have additional effects such as lower enemy’s defense, attack, and deal damage overtime (which is really useful).
Generally, skills that are worth keeping in high levels are:
Sword: Infernal Impact (lvl9 or 12) , Force Impact (lvl18 or 20), Abyssal Crystal, Infernal Stigma, Round Cut , Force Assault, Dance of Ruin, Force Slash (all lvl20), dash and fade step.
Magic: Enervation, Lightning Canon, Wind Canon, Aqua Canon, Stone Canon, Lightning Blade, Aqua Vitality, Lower Defense, Wind Movement, Blind, Earth Guard (all lvl20)
Upgrade: Vitality Mastery, Offensive Sense, Defensive Sense, Impact Control, Damage Absorb and Sixth Sense
For PvP, FB’s greatest advantage is that they can stack Damage Over Time, which skills are Infernal Impact, Force Assault and Force Slash. These skills if used consecutively can do quite a damage, given that Force Assault (62 DOT @ lvl20), Force Slash (62 DOT @ lvl20) and Infernal Impact (39 DOT @ lvl9), which means you can deal an additional of approximately 163 (should be less) for every 2 seconds over 8 seconds = woot!. Continue with skills like Dance of Ruin and Abyssal Crystal then end your combo with Force Impact or Infernal Impact (if you can handle the cool time). Use fast casting time skills to deal more dps (damage per second) and avoid using long cast time skills like Infernal Stigma and Force Impact in the middle of your combo, they often get you killed before you can cast other skills.
As for PvE, Infernal Stigma is your best friend, as its the only stun skill you have, besides those knock down skills like Dance of Ruin. My combo is Stigma>Dance>Infernal Impact>Crystal>Round Cut and sometimes replace round cut with Force Impact, when i need more aoe. But most of the time I don’t use Force Impact since round cut+crystal deals more dps.
Battle Modes:
Ultimately, FB has one of the best BM1 but also one of the worst BM2. Basically in BM1, all you have to do is to cast magic canons to buff yourself, like aqua canon for aqua vitality effect (+HP +MP +regen), stone canon for earth guard effect (+def), wind canon for wind movement effect (+hit/def rate) and lightning canon for lightning blade effect (+att +crit rate/dmg). After casting these 4 canons, you’ll have all the buffs and your stats will be ridiculously high like your HP going more than 3000, def going near 1000 and so and so… depends on your canons lvl though. Other magic skills are useless in BM1, so just stick with those 4 and bust your way with sword skills.
For BM2, you got sytle, you got cool skill animes. In BM2, you can cast a huge + cool AOE skill and you get to shoot lasers using magic canons. You can charge up to 3 stages in BM2, which is by using sword skills, so basically 1 sword skill for 1 additional laser for up to 3 lasers, then release the lasers using any magic canon. However you are limited to use only certain sword skills in BM2, which does not include stigma and etc… but you can still cast Infernal Impact though.
And my PVE combo is right here, I use this for xping in MF for example
Infernal stigma lv20
Dance of ruin lv20
Infernal Impact lv12
abyssal crystal lv20
Round cut lv20
Force impact lv20
usually I dont use Force impact at all since with crystal and R.cut I get about the same dmg/cast time done, and I have one more skill to get a crit with
To clarify, I replace Force impact with R.cut and Abyssal Crystal. IF I add Force impact after R.cut then the mobs will loose their stun.
Ok So I got some questions about FB skill and gear wise and what not.
I will give you my 2 cents on the subject in this post, I will update this as soon as I can and, I would like to explain right now, that my english spelling and grammar leaves much to be desired.
I will start with some comboes for you out there and then ill post gear suggestions
like for one a DONT is to go for 5% amp singel slotted boots over 100hp/will boots.
Duel combos:
Dont go easy on anyone, dont asume that you can win easy even if he is in aramid and your in teragrace.
Start your combo as fast as possible. How to do this is not to try and get a red hit on your first skill.
Combo bar:
Yellow = poor hit
Orange = Good hit
Red = excellent hit
Usually people think its better to go for Red since it will dish more dmg and will increase the chance to crit. sure this might be true but, trust me you need to start as fast as possible.
Ok So you want to duel and you want to win right!
Say that you have a friend that you compete with you are same lvl, gear and so on.
Or maybe you are higher and have better gear and ranks. But you still loose.
Make a party so you can check your HP bars after each duel this helps, if he constantly survives with 20-100hp and DoT brings him to 0hp after you allready have lost then add a flashdraw or a higher dmg skill and skip some of the dot.
What you need to realise first is that if one combo dont work, say that you dish out to little dmg then look at what can help you out to do more dmg.
like in item change, maybe you dont crit at all and still its close then just replace your rings of luck +2 with Rings of fighter to gain some more attack power and defense
Check your combo say that you do 6 or 7 skills and you cant get your finisher off before your dead.
First thing I do is to get my skills off when they are in the Yellow all of them maybe some in the Orange area but never a Red one.
Did i get to my finished in this case the A.master. Yes? good, still lost? ok now worries.
Go for orange skills instead, did you get your A.master off? no? Ok now worries.
Go again, all yellow except your GM lets go for a Red skill here.
Got your A.master off? yes? excellent you won.
say that I still cant beat him even after trying different combo ranges(yellow,orange,red).
second thing I do is to take off all my items and duel him naked a couple of times to see if its still 6-7 skills i can manage to cast before he finishes me off. Then you know that the last skill he uses is just like yours a finisher/GM skill that makes sure I loose.
So then I know I cant just add HP/Def to actually win I need to get my finisher move off earlier. If I go for more Hp/Def I might survive his finisher and can actually get my own finisher off with the same length of combo I had in mind first, but if you cant increase your hp with 300hp or so its likely that wont happen.
So you know your defense wont make much of a difference put on all the amp/critdmg and rate gear you can muster even if its silk with amp if you still dont kill him then your combo is to long.
If you couldnt get the same amount of skills off during the naked duel but only got 4-5 skills off instead then take this as a guide line go for a 5-6 combo instead with your gear on again.
assault lv20 = 1.3sec cast time
force slash lv20 = 1.3sec cast time
Infernal Impact(G.master) lv9-20 = 4.1sec cast time
Abyssal crystal lv20 = 2.2sec cast time
Dance of ruin lv20 = 2.7sec cast time
Force Impact(a.master) lv20 = 5.0sec cast time.
say these are the skills at any lvl that you are currently using and your combo is:
And with this combo you always loose and he remains standing with 50-300hp or so. just shorten your combo your A.master will 100% do more then 300hp dmg on him.
So to shorten our combo we take away some of the longer cast time skills
like DoR thats 2.7 seconds you saved in. now lets try
YES!!! you got your a.master off die XXXXX huh? he still beat me what the…
So we shortend our combo but he still stands there with some hp left nothing to do then.
Or so most people think, now is where we go shopping in the novice skill department and buy impact stab.
Impact stab lv1-20 = 1.5sec cast time.
Ok this skill wont do alot of dmg and suck why would you want this skill?
well most of you know and the ones that havent figured it out yet..shame on you.
SO we replace Dance Of Ruin with Impact stab lv20
our new combo:
Assault/slash/GM/assault/slash/Crystal/Impact stab/A.master
Woo we got our A.master off and we won jippie!
Why did we win tough?
we still use same amount off skills as we tried earlier, but the “cast time” is different so we actually had time to get our finisher off.
Now this is true for all classes ofcourse but for an FB its even more important.
Here is some comboes to guide you in the right way or even to a victory straight off the bat.
Warrior combo:
(The DoT way)
Assault, slash, GM, assault, slash, crystal, A.master
If you didnt Crit your GM then you will probably need more dmg so then we add skills right.
assault, slash, GM, assault, slash, impact stab, crystal, a.master
If you didnt have time to throw your a.master now then go for yellow hits instead of going for red or orange. Go for RED on you GM but try get yellow hits on the rest, especially your a.master.
Force Archers:
Now Force archer have an “fadestep” in their GM but dont worrie it wont brake your combo
BUT it will make you walk towards him/her during the duel and so you loose alot of precious time walking forward a few steps instead.
So try and avoid skills that will make you walk forward use your ranged skills.
No not magic skills
here is a combo that will stick you like clue to the FA.
Assault, slash, illusion stab, crystal, assault, slash, GM, A.master.
Assault = dashes you up to the opponent
Illusion stab(defense debuff) = ranged will still go off when the FA is far away(if you use Dance of Ruin your character will start to walk forward)
Crystal = ranged (DUH)
Impact stab = same range as Illusion stab.
So what you need to do is to check where you walk forward, to time you skills.
say that you use the combo above and you start to walk when you want to get your GM off.
This is because GM isnt ranged you need to be close.
SO to avoid to walk before you cast your gm, simply remove slash and go for GM directly OR replace slash with impact stab. Or even twist it around and instead of
assault, slash, GM
Go for
impact stab, slash, assault, GM.
a really safe way to make sure that you wont waste time walking forward when you throw your finishers is to use assault first.
Assault, GM, Assault, A.master.
So remember to minimize the time “walking forward” because its a HUGE waste of time against a strong ranged class like the FA.
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